Category Archives: industrialised countries

Retrofitting for 0-energy

by Ronald Rovers

To make the consequence of (remaining ) CO2 budgets imaginable, the introduction of a basic calculation can show the scale of the transition required, for a industrialized country.
The Netherlands has 17 million inhabitants, if the CO2 budget is equally divided globally , The Netherlands can claim 17million out of 7 billion = 0,0025 part the budget (B), or 0,5 Gt CO2 under the 1,5 degree scenario (B1,5), and 2,2 Gt under the B2 degree scenario.. ( Which is optimistic, since global population is growing and the trend is for increasing demand , further reducing local and per capita budgets. ) If we assume that for the reform of society the attribution per sector remains the same, then 40% can be attributed for the building and housing sector, operations and investments , or B1,5 = 0,2 Gt CO2 and B2=0,8 Gton (- remaining to be emitted from the building and housing sector). Continue reading Retrofitting for 0-energy